Sunday, April 30, 2006

Honeymoon Cami

Its finished. Not what I wanted (my mistakes of course) but hey, its done! And black!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

black fox

No laughing!
When I first saw this little number in knitty, it kind of caught me by surprise as I 'd never seen some one knit a dead fox before and I thought this is so me I need one!
I never thought that I would use that fun fur stuff but on this dead fox it looks pretty cool:)
I used two balls of Patons 'Ostrich', one in black and the other in a very dark blue, to give it a blue black look to it(like my hair).
The other black wool is a cheap acrylic and mohair mix.
It's knitting up pretty fast on those big fat number 10 needles so I best get me a couple of beagles to help me hunt down a pair of eyes, a nose and a clasp!

Thursday, April 13, 2006


A Kate Gilbert Bunny, in black of course. Would look cuter with a fuzzy yarn, or felted, but I used leftovers. The flash makes him look holey, but he's not that bad in person. He likes baseball!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

I'm on a roll

Panta!! Yep, Simply Soft leftovers ;)

Cabled Tank

(pictures obviously lightened to see the cables)

Cabled Tank Top. Made in Caron Simply Soft (to be able to wash it!). Needle sizes 8, 9, 10, 10.5 and 11. *phew*

This looks MUCH better on than in photos. I couldn't get a good photo of the back without it bunching up from me running to my photo spot before the camera went off. It doesn't generally look so bulky. I think. Also, my skirt is very large, so it kind of billows at my stomache now. I need to go shopping.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

It's not a sock


but it is black!
